Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where did the name for pistil originate from/ whats the story behind it?

Where did the name for pistil (Carpel) originate from/ whats the story behind it?


Where did the name for pistil originate from/ whats the story behind it?
Pistil and Carpels are NOT synonyms. You have to be careful here.

Pistil or gynoecium of a flower is MADE UP of carpels.

So Pistil and Gynoecium are synonyms. Given below are the dictionary meanings of 1) Pistil and 2) Carpel

1) PISTIL ==The female, ovule-bearing organ of a flower, including the stigma, style, and ovary.

[French, from New Latin pistillum, from Latin, pestle (from its shape).]

2 ) CARPEL==One of the structural units of a pistil, representing a modified, ovule-bearing leaf.

[New Latin carpellum, from Greek karpos, fruit.]

carpellary car'pel·lar'y (-pə-lĕr'ē) adj.

It is important no note that carpel is a structural unit of pistil not the whole pistil .

Now let us see what the dictionary says about Gynoecium

3) GYNOECIUM==The female reproductive organs of a flower; the pistil or pistils considered as a group.

[New Latin, alteration (influenced by Greek oikos, house) of Latin gynaecēum, women's apartments, from Greek gunaikeion, from neuter of gunaikeios, of women, from gunē, gunaik-, woman.]

That means pistil = Gynoecium.

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